Friday, March 18, 2016

Religion Ruins Everything

Religion is like cilantro, it ruins everything. This pictorial essay along with some great instrumental surf inspired music kinda sums it all up. Religion sucks and the more fundamental it is the worse it gets. The time has come to rid humanity of this deadly superstition. We can start by condemning it and ridiculing it and its followers. We can expose its lies and its history. 

In the US and Europe bashing Christianity politically correct and while that is a good thing we must not forget Christianity's evil fraternal twin, Islam. Both religions are scams used to control people, power and wealth and in that process the theft and carnage ensues. 

If there is a benevolent god/creator of the universe perhaps he/she/it is waiting for humanity to learn how to face reality but I suppose that notion is pretty much a pipe dream. One could argue that the carnage inflicted upon the innocent by the followers of the believers in the god of the Bible and the Koran knows no limits and seems to run counter to what we are as human but perhaps the answer is simpler. Maybe a lot of people are just no damned good.

Billions of Muslims and Christians pray every day to their cruel and evil entities Jehovah and Allah. Could this toxic energy be poisoning the collective unconscious?  Maybe we should counter it? Short circuit it? Neutralize it? Why not use social media to make the case against these to vile and deadly religions, their gods and their prophets/profits? I'm not talking about some sort of movement where everyone is in lockstep. I'm talking about people using their individual consciences to add their own thoughts and ideas to help end this scourge.