Tuesday, December 3, 2013



Jesus falsely prophesies DIRECTLY to the high priest (Caiphas) that he would live to see his second coming.  Jesus uses the term “coming on the clouds of heaven”.  This clearly negates the “coming” as the resurrection but as a return to the earth on CLOUDS, not his return in human form from the dead.  Matthew 26:64 & Mark 14:62.

"But I tell you: From now on you will see 'the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power' and 'coming on the clouds of heaven.'"  (Matthew 26:64 NAB)
Then Jesus answered, "I am; and 'you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power and coming with the clouds of heaven.'"  (Mark 14:62 NAB)

See the source image
Jesus lied about many things.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Biblical View of Women

Women's Inferior Status

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Saturday, October 19, 2013


Here are some questions for the Red State liars who don't like this. This is for all the unmedicated, Fox News-parroting assclowns or brainwashed, fact-loathing wackjobs and heartless, cousin-marrying teabaggers of the retarded Nazi religious right.

Tell me, you FAUX-News-worshipping hatemonger, does your mental handicap come with preferred parking?

Tell me, you delusional, sheet-wearing redneck, which dark crevice of your rear did you pull that from?

Tell me, you torture-cheering wackjob, when you go to the mind reader, do you pay half price?

Did they teach you how to be a delusional, pitchfork-wielding misanthrope in the fascist reeducation camp?

I'm curious, you tobacco-juice-dribbling neocon-artist, does your lower intestine empty directly into your skull?

Excuse me, you Rapture-lusting Rapturefarian, but aren't you late for your Flat Earth Society meeting?

Friday, October 4, 2013

God Allows Suffering and Thrives On It

Would you torture your child for all eternity because he did not love and or obey you? God does!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Leprosy... Another Gift From God

Leprosy a creation of God has affected humanity for over 4,000 years! 

LEPROSY is a bacterial disease that destroys the peripheral and motor nerves. If left untreated, it can lead to a painful inflammation of the kidneys, the anaesthetising of extremities, deformity, and incurable blindness. Physical injury and impairment of circulation results in muscular atrophy, absorption of cartilage, eroding ulcers, monstrous chronic infections, and their accompanying fevers.

Rot, very literally, sets in.


It is easy to forget that leprosy as an active disease is a reality for millions of people in the world today because it vanished from Britain in 1798, although the last leprosy wing in a Norwegian health institute was not closed until the 1970s. And yet, with still no vaccine, one person is officially diagnosed with leprosy every fifty seconds, making some 2,000 new cases every day, and some 600,000 every year.

Only an evil god would allow this!

The World Health Organisation estimates that, between 2010 and 2020, a further 7.5 million people will be infected.

Still think God is love? FUCK YOU!

Leprosy remains most prominent in areas of poor hygiene, overcrowding, and poor nutrition, in populations whose immune systems have been significantly weakened.

Red or yellow, black or white they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world. FUCK YOU JESUS!

70% of today's new cases are on the Indian subcontinent. Brazil comes next with just 6%, followed by Nepal and Indonesia at 2%. It is calculated that at least some 2.5 million people affected by leprosy still await the most basic medical care in India.

What else would you expect from a god who would kill his own son?

Leprosy still disables 100 times more people each year than polio in India, where the Leprosy Mission estimates that some 1,100,000 people are presently disabled by leprosy.

However, leprosy is not hereditary and is the least contagious of all communicable diseases. It is in fact easily treatable, if not curable with multi-drug therapy. Indeed, with a single dose, the patient immediately becomes non-infectious and is normally cured within 6 to 12 months.

The greatest problem for those diagnosed with leprosy is the total social ostracisation they suffer. This, in turn, leads to extreme poverty and interminable hardship. Driven from their homes, off their land and out of their communities, they are never able to return, even after the disease is 'burnt out'. Such stigma prevents many sufferers coming forwards for diagnosis or treatment, hence the enduring prevalence of the disease, despite international efforts to eradicate it.

Less than one-tenth of one percent of the Christian church's obscene wealth could end this God-inflected suffering.

The focus of the leprosy projects of Sarvashubhamkara is primarily towards these people who have been cured of the disease and their stigmatised families on the Indian subcontinent. Largely abandoned by both state care and medical charities upon their official cure, these lonely, physically damaged people remain wholly rejected by all members of society.

People who bear the stigma of the disease are invariably reduced to living in isolated communities, within the poorest slums and often with no means of survival, except by begging. In addition, in India, the children of parents who have suffered from leprosy, even when they themselves are in perfect health, are commonly denied access to state education.

It is thus that those affected by leprosy are principle recipients of both Sarva's Education and Welfare projects. The charity's aim is to restore the self-confidence, dignity and some level of sustainable self-sufficiency for individuals and communities alike, primarily by setting up and supporting them in their own continuing medical care; and by providing educational opportunities, in addition to the human contact and compassionate attention they sorely lack. We thank you for your interest.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

God is Evil

If you were all powerful, loving and all knowing would you then end the suffering of your children and all other children? God can but he won't. 

Would you allow your children to suffer if you could stop it? God doesn't stop it and he can stop it.

Would you create disease? God did. God created the Zika virus.

If your kids didn't love you would you lock them in the basement and have a monster torture them relentlessly? God does. God has more regard for Satan than he does for his children.

See the source image

Friday, March 29, 2013

God Hates Us

See the source image
God is always pissed off about something.

God of the Bible curses humans with death and disease...but we should worship Him? What's up with that?!

 He kills off everything that breathes, including countless newborns and little kids, all except eight humans some animals they could stuff into an ark...and we should worship Him?

He's constantly hardening hearts to give Himself an excuse to massacre people, or to send them into slavery, or to attack them with plagues...and we should worship Him.   And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had spoken unto Moses.  Exodus 9:12


He uses two bears to tear apart 42 children...and we should worship Him?  Jesus is liable to send ravenous bears to kill children at the drop of a hat, as was the case when He sent two bears to rip apart 42 children who were rude enough to mock a bald man.    From The Holy Bible, 2 Kings 2:23-24:

23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” 24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.


He has His (Human) son tortured and killed, refusing any other option, so he can have an excuse to toss over 75% of Humanity into Hell...and we should worship Him?

And His worshipers call Him a 'god of love' because to say anything else means going to Hell with the rest of us...and we should worship Him?

Does anyone still wonder why people would choose to be anything but Christian?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Alzheimer's and the APOE Epsilon4 Allele

God made everything including the APOE epsilon4 allele. The E4 variant is the largest known genetic risk factor for late-onset sporadic Alzheimer disease (AD) in a variety of ethnic groups. Caucasian and Japanese carriers of 2 E4 alleles have between 10 and 30 times the risk of developing AD by 75 years of age, as compared to those not carrying any E4 alleles. While the exact mechanism of how E4 causes such dramatic effects remains to be fully determined, evidence has been presented suggesting an interaction with amyloid.[29] Alzheimer disease is characterized by build-ups of aggregates of the peptide beta-amyloid. Apolipoprotein E enhances proteolytic break-down of this peptide, both within and between cells. The isoform ApoE-ε4 is not as effective as the others at catalyzing these reactions, resulting in increased vulnerability to AD in individuals with that gene variation.

Estimated worldwide human allele frequencies of ApoE *
Allele                     ε2      Îµ3        Îµ4
General Frequency 8.4% 77.9% 13.7%
AD Frequency        3.9% 59.4% 36.7%

This is some heavy science but the point is God decided to fuck a lot of people with Alzheimer's Disease and of course God has plenty of help from his friends in the medical industry who exploit this disease and have figured out a way to turn the genes on to cause a greater incidence of Alzheimer's by prescribing statin drugs which are the biggest money making scam to ever come down the pike. The connection between neuron failure in Alzheimer disease and depleted myelin cholesterol (via ApoE deficiency) has also been described in Cholesterol Depletion and consequently is a known adverse drug reaction to statin therapy.

God has his agents on earth who do his bidding for him so he can sit back and do what he does best ie watch living things suffer and die while he laughs.

Like God Alzheimer's is a cruel cruel disease. Not only is it brutal on the victim is it brutal for the loved ones and caregivers.

Don't expect God to help you and don't expect his friends in the medical industry to help you either. It turns out that perispinal etanercept injections help Alzhiemer's patients but it is very hard to find a doctor who will give them for fear of reprisals from their criminal industry. Etanercept is also known as Enbrel. Enbrel is currently used to treat Rhumatoid Arthritis and psoriasis but here's the rub. For it to work on Arthritis and Psoriasis it takes 1 to two injections per week with the yearly cost being over $20K. When treating other conditions such as TBI, dementia, stroke and back pain usually only 1 to 3 injections are required.

AMGEN CEO and Corporate Gangster Kevin Sharer 

Amgen the company that sells Enbrel is another filthy corporate gangster. Here's the 411 on them. AMGEN'S Dirty Laundry

2008. Forbes Magazine ranks AMGEN CEO Kevin Sharer 169 out of 175. Rankings were based on performance vs. pay metrics.[8]

2009. Sen. Edward Kennedy introduced a bill granting AMGEN and other biotech companies more than 13 years of marketing exclusivity. Kennedy Institute receives $ 5 million from Amgen.[9]

2010. AMGEN spends a record $ 10.2 million on lobbying activities. Data based on Senate Office of Public Records.[10]

2012. Illegal marketing practices. The Los Angeles Times reported on December 18, 2012 that AMGEN pleaded guilty and agreed to pay $ 150 million in criminal penalty and $ 612 million to resolve 11 related whistle-blower complaints. Federal prosecutors accused the company of pursuing profits while putting patients at risk.[11] Larry Husten, a contributor at Forbes.com elaborates on AMGEN's illegal marketing practices in this case, namely that "The government accused Amgen of marketing Aranesp for indications not approved by the FDA and other illegal marketing practices.[12] One of the drugs, mentioned in the law suit, had sales of $492 million in the 3rd quarter of 2012, down 17% from the same quarter the previous. year "due to "reimbursement problems and label changes". In addition, the drug Aranesp failed in heart trials, as it failed to meet its primary endpoints. Adverse effects include cardiac failure, diarrhea, congestive heart failure and dizziness.[13]

2012 Kathleen Sharp publishes a book entitled "Blood Medicine: Blowing the whistle on one of the deadliest prescription drugs ever." It covers, amongst other subjects, Amgen's early history and involvement in developing blood boosters, also used by cyclists like Lance Armstrong.[14][15]

2013 Aggressive Lobbying. Lawmakers, allegedly maneuvered by a team of 74 AMGEN lobbyists, inserted text into the fiscal cliff bill that will allow the drug maker to sell a class of drugs that includes Sensipar without government controls for an additional two years. The paragraph in the fiscal cliff bill will cost taxpayers an estimated $ 500 million.[16] A non-profit group, led by Russ Feingold, files a petition against Amgen's fiscal cliff deal at the end of January.[17] The executive at Amgen in charge of U.S. Government Affairs is Senior Vice President Victoria H. Blatter.[18]

2013 the FDA halted Amgen's studies of its thyroid drug Sensipar after the death of a 14-year-old patient in a company trial.[19]

God creates disease and his criminal agents exploit it.

  1. Amgen to Pay $762 Million for Illegal Drug Marketing - Mercola

    Jan 2, 2013 - Amgen agrees to pay 762 million dollars in criminal penalties for illegal ... This is, unfortunately, just the latest drug scandal to be brought to the ...
  2. Amgen Scandal: Where's the Leadership? | Pharmalot

    Feb 20, 2007 - The biotech's ceo, Kevin Sharer, just doesn't get it. Late Friday, he holds a hastily put together conference call to belatedly disclose that a ...
  3. The sex scandal that derailed one of America's most promising ...

    Aug 28, 2013 - The sex scandal that derailed one of America's most promising executives ... Richard Nanula later became CFO of drug giant Amgen (AMGN) ...
  4. AMGEN Scandal – Brave Rep.Welch says NO to $500mil giveaway ...

    Jan 29, 2013 - You may have noticed that along with several hundred other angry and disillusioned people Interdas Global has tweeted and received ...
  5. Amgen Agrees to Pay $762 Million in Drug Marketing Case ...

    Dec 18, 2012 - The company pleaded guilty to misbranding its anemia drug Aranesp, meaning selling it for uses not approved by the F.D.A..

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Why God Allows Suffering

When it comes to ass kissing, brown nosing and Dick sucking Christians win the gold-medal. They are constantly spinning the truth and denying reality in order to suck up to their cruel and vicious and vile God who killed his own son and blamed it on us.

Here is some really disgusting Christian apologetics that I will destroy.

10 Reasons Why God Allows Suffering

Jared Wilson, in Gospel Deeps, writes that “while we may not be satisfied with what God has revealed about his purposes in suffering, we cannot justifiably say he has not revealed anything about his purposes in suffering. We may not have the answer we are laboring for, but we do have a wealth of answers that lie in the same field.”

Here’s an outline of ten reasons he identifies in God’s Word:

1. To remind us that the world is broken and groans for redemption [Rom. 8:20-23].

2. To do justice in response to Adam’s (and our) sin.

3. To remind us of the severity of the impact of Adam’s (and our) sin.

4. To keep us dependent on God [Heb. 12:6-7].

5. So that we will long more for heaven and less for the world.

6. To make us more like Christ, the suffering servant [Rom. 8:29; 2 Cor. 1:5, 4:11].

7. To awaken the lost to their need for God [Ps. 119:67, 71].

8. To make the bliss of heaven more sweet [Rom. 8:18; 1 Pet. 4:13; Ps. 126:5; Isa. 61:3].

9. So that Christ will get the glory in being our strength [John 9:3; 2 Cor. 4:7].

10. And so that, thereby, others see that he is our treasure, and not ourselves [2 Cor. 4:8-9].

1. As to point one, it was God who created this mess. The truth is that there are no good or bad people there only people who do good or bad things. When you are suffering you probably more inclined to do something bad because you feel bad because you're hurting and God counts on that. And then because we are moral we feel guilty that we do something wrong even though that behavior was induced fire pain and suffering. God could and are suffering and pain. God could have created a world without death and suffering. God could have created humans to work prone to so many diseases but he chose not to do so because that is what sadistic bastards do.

2. As to point to, this response from Christians makes my blood boil. They are stinking foul vile ugly filthy brutal God is punishing billions of human beings for the action of the woman named Eve who did not even have the knowledge of right or wrong. God arranged that a powerful being that he created posed as a serpent and beguile this innocent woman into wanting knowledge as opposed to being a pet of God's. Childish brutal bratty God got so pissed off that he is still throwing a temper tantrum about that one as a result he created every malady that affects humans and many animals. God could not be satisfied only and torturing human beings he tortures all animals with disease. God creates animals that could only live on meet so there has to be predators that go after prey. God gets a real boner when humans take animals and burn them on an altar. Hey Christians, if you're reading this burn yourselves on an altar. Douse yourselves in gasoline and lit a match. God wants you to do that your suffering pleases him and of course you ass kissers want to please God.

3. Because this cock sucking peace a shit Christian who wrote the above 10 reasons to the fucking moron when he needs balls cut off and shut down his throat he repeated point number two. This asshole is trying to say that Adams alleged sin was also committed by every other human being. That is more retarded and George W. Bush attacking Iraq for 9/11.

4. As to point number four, it's hard to tell whether God is a drug dealer or just a control freak. It sounds like he's a little bit of both. The Bible says that God is a jealous God and it also says that God is a cruel and vengeful God. We don't need a Bible to know that what kind of a sick freak would create diseases like multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig's disease, arthritis and cancer? It seems God wants our constant adoration so he will go so far as to inflict horrible suffering on us so that we will bake him for mercy which he always declines. The only true mercy I've ever seen from a drunk begs for a bottle and he gets it. The bottle will not let him down in the bottle will not ignore his pleas. God is that even is merciful as a bottle of booze. Since that's the case, FUCK YOU God!

5.  More more people are hating you out of existence and you are starting to feel it.

6. Point number six, the suffering that Jesus endured was a walk in the park compared to what most humans endure in their lives. In fact, crucifixion probably isn't that painful because there are idiots that had themselves crucified on Easter so can't be that bad. You Christians who think this was some sort of a big sacrifice will incompletely quote John 3:16 saying that God gave his only begotten son like it was some great wonderful sacrifice. The truth is it wasn't. Most fathers love their sons and off the ticket punishment for them. I would take a bullet for my son and my father would take a bullet for me. Apparently God is a coward. Since God is all-knowing he knew that Jesus would suffer for a short time following a whipping and a short time on across. He also knew that shortly after that Jesus would be up in heaven with him. That's a pretty pathetic sacrifice. If God loved the world he would've gotten it right the first time.

7. As to point number seven, God once again proves himself to be quite a control freak. Christians like to talk about free will. Obviously suffering negates the notion of free well as do numerous Scriptures. If you don't believe me, simply Google, "what the Bible says about predestination".

8. As to point number eight; here's a suggestion for all you pecker sucking Christians. Pour hot grease over yourselves slam your nuts in a car door every day. That way you will appreciate having more stuff and less pain than others. Better yet, let me tee up your nut sack and allow me to take my big Bertha driver to it. You could also persecute all other Christians and torture them as well. You will be doing him a huge favor because by the time they get to heaven after they been tortured on earth they are really going to love heaven. You should also torture all non-Christians. Sure they're going to be tortured in Hell for not sucking God's dick properly but imagine how much it will please God when he knows you of tortured his enemies when burning in hell for all eternity for not sucking off God in a proper manner they won't even be able to remember anything good that happened to them on earth.

9. As to point number nine, it's pretty clear that God created humans to massage his ego for all eternity and since Christians will say that Christ is God when it suits them and since God is a cruel jealous and vengeful God he is going to want a lot of sucking up and ass kissing so it only follows that some Christian weasels will try to recruit others to ass lick Jesus. Christians are worse than Nazi collaborators because they work for a tyrant far worse than out Hitler. Hitler is probably up there in heaven having anal sex with Jesus.

10. As to point number 10; it's simply more of the same bullshit. The reason that God created suffering and allows suffering is pretty simple. The God who created this system of things is a cruel and evil sadist and everyone knows this.

Let's face it, Christians are intellectual, moral and spiritual cowards. They know that the God they worship is pure evil but they are too stupid and too scared to question the logic of this cruel and evil being who they call God. Christians will criticize the absurdity of other religions such as Islam which is equally as absurd as Christianity yet they will defend the same sort of absurdity in their own religion. Christians believe in God, worship God and act as apologists for God simply because they fear his legendary wrath.

Admit it Christians, the guy that you worship is a liar, a snake, a tyrant, a punk and a bully and you people who defend him are as contemptible as he is. FUCK you all!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

I Had A Dog Once...

I Had A Dog Once by Anonymous

I had a dog once. Her name was Baby. I had a pa once I called him Pa. Pa was my father. Pa, is another name for father. I miss my pa. I miss my dog. Pa loved my dog and my dog loved Pa. Most of the time the dog slept on my bed but sometimes the dog would jump up onto Pa's bed and sleep with him. I didn't mind because he loved that dog and Pa didn't mind sharing his bed with the dog.  When the dog got old she was unable to jump up onto the bed so Pa had to help her.

Baby died and some time after that Pa died. Both Pa and baby were my true and trusted friends. I miss them so much. Pa had other dogs. Their names were Blitz who was a schnauzer, Poteen and Brynn who were Irish setters and an old mutt that the family named Stinger. All these dogs were good dogs but my favorite was Baby.

There are some people who say there is no heaven and there are some who say that dogs are not allowed in heaven. I can't say one way or the other for certain but if there is heaven I get a glimpse of it when I think back to that meadow when I was walking with Pa and Baby.

Dogs probably will not be allowed in heaven. Dogs are a good judge of character. God is probably too worried that people would pay too much attention to their dogs. That would cut into the eternal adoration and ego massage that God craves.

Dogs are such short-lived creatures who seem to love us unconditionally. When humans let us down by cheating us, lying to and about us, stealing from us, judging us and condemning us our dogs will be there by our sides offering a kind look, a lick on the face, or a warm dog cuddle. And when you spell the word dog and the word God one cannot help but see that when reversed  God is the opposite of dog just like in reality.

Today my life is unhappy and full of pain and now I want to be with Baby and Pa. The last thought I will have before I die and everything fades to black will be of the days when I walked in the meadow behind the house with Baby and my old Pa. I hope to be with them again, my true and trusted friends. That will probably be as close as I will ever get to heaven and as far away as I can get from God.

I had a dog once...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Observable Evidence That God is Evil

If you watch this video  and you're not a total filthy evil banned word like god you will see  that god is pure evil. The logic is inescapable and god once again is shown to be a file and contemptible entity that needs to be thoroughly destroyed.


Anyone who would defend, worship or support this God or act as an apologist for this God is as evil as God.

I would ask that everyone de-God their currency. God, or at least the God of the Bible seems to derive his power from us. His claims that he created the universe are entirely bogus. The God that you fools worship is most likely a local phenomenon. The God you fools worship is evil the same as most of you. When it is all said and done the very God that you worship is going to turn on you like a snake because his bloodlust and his sadistic nature allows him to do nothing else. You dishonest Christians like to throw out the concept of free will but there's one catch your God if he is omnipotent and omniscient cannot have free will. Your God, evil being that it is has already set everything in motion and there is nothing that he or you can do about and if you don't believe me you pathetic lying trash morons than read the Bible because your filthy stinking Bible supports predestination. In other words, you are all screwed and your God did it to you.

When you losers and Christian time slime respond I will have chapter and verse proving how dishonest and how wrong you apologists for God are. Humanity needs to get as far away from this vile entity as possible. The matter how much you kiss his ass he will turn on you because that is in nature of the God of Abraham.

Your God is particularly cruel to children and in spite of the best efforts of humans children suffer, adults suffer and the elderly suffer all for no good reason. You lying Christians will come back with the refrain that God works in mysterious ways. There is no mystery here; your God is a piece of contemptible trash same as most of you.

You lying Christians will come back the same refrain that all of the things that are wrong with the world has to do with Satan but none of your honest enough to admit that God created Satan with the full knowledge of what Satan would do if indeed it is Satan causing all the suffering but you lying Christians are too stupid to even consider the fact that maybe Satan is a good guy. After all of the Satan who opposed God knowing that he had no chance of defeating or so the story goes. The battle is still raging on and it is up to us, the decent moral ones of us, to chip away at God at every turn. If we respect our humanity even a little then it is imperative that we spent our existence when whatever we can to destroy God.

If you think for a minute that you're going to get to spend eternity massaging God's insatiable ego you may want to think again. I believe every human being that has existed regardless of how good or bad they were in this life are either dead and gone or suffering the pains of hell for all eternity. If heaven were so great and people have free will in heaven you would think by now that someone would come back from heaven and tell everybody just how great it really is but you know what they don't. You want to escape God's cruel judgment because is not a judgment. God has already decided what will happen to you. God already knows what's going to happen to you and if he didn't know that he would not be God. God is all knowing... RIGHT?

If there is good and evil in this world then Epicurus got it right when he said that good is pleasure and pain is evil.

A dear friend of mine remains in a coma due to a series of medical errors. Years before he went into this, he suffered from intractable pain which could have been cured had the doctors been even reasonably competent. Through a series of blunders this fine gentleman had a massive stroke that would not have happened had it not been for doctors and their incompetence and greed. A few months before the stroke he told me that upon his death and if there was an afterlife he would kill God. He went on to say that upon his death, if the world suddenly changes for the better and there is an end to suffering that he will have completed his mission and killed God. Today he remains between life and death and nothing medically can be done for him. Eventually he will die and if he reaches some sort of plane of existence on which this evil God resides I have no doubt that he will kill God. This man is a former Airborne Ranger. This man has had seven kills during his military service. He will not be fooled by the tunnel of light and he will be ready for what waits for him at the end.

This man will do what you're lying Jesus Christ claimed to do. He will end suffering but no one will know how it happened. I don't know what will be in store for you cowardly God worshiping cons but if there is any justice in this existence most of you will have 50 to 100 years of torment for your evil, your cowardice and your lies.

Watch the video liars and then realize no matter how much pecker you suck God, no matter how many evil deeds you do for your God and how many lies you tell for your God you are just as screwed as everybody else. Your fate has already been determined. Happy New Year's suckers!

How much reverence can you have for a supreme being who finds it necessary to include such phenomena as phlegm a.k.a. Islam and tooth decay a.k.a. Christianity in his divine system of creation? What in the world was running through that warped, evil, scatological mind of his when he robbed old people of the power to control their bowel movements? Why in the world did he ever create pain? – Joseph Heller, Catch 22 modified by El Rondo.